Thursday, October 17, 2013

Buyer Behavior: Needs vs. Wants

The Buyer

The buyer wants and the buyer needs. It all depends on how the organization markets and advertises their service or product. In my line of work, the university is trying to satisfy a need, as well as create a want in a way. 

The prectice of higher education has been going on for centuries. Going to college isn't something new. The reason I call a higher education a want is because you don't necessarily need to get a higher education at a college or university in order to be successful and intelligent in life. There are plenty of cases of successful individuals who never got an education. Also, there are positions that do not require a degree that an individual can make a living off of. However, a college education does present a service that one usually cannot get on their own: an education. This is where the need aspect comes in.

The majority of society doesn't have the capability or resources to gain an education beyond high school on their own. One needs someone to teach them experiences, lessons, ideas, and theories at a higher level. An individual wouldn't have this on their own. Also, in order to perform certain jobs or get highered into certain situations, he or she needs a degree from a higher education institution. He or she needs the higher education. More and more people are getting degrees now; it is becoming the normal thing for those to do after graduating high school.

When all is said and done, a higher education does create a want for the reason it is not essential but unique and attractive to the consumer, but for the most part it satisfies a need now that a higher education has become a norm in society. Western New England provides a solution to the consumer's problem. It provides a quality education with vast resources to ensure that consumers, in this case students, are able to gain knowledge, experience, and expertise in their desired fields of study.

Buyer Behavior Process

There are multiple levels of decision making when it comes to buyer behavior. There's Nominal Decision Making, Limited Decision Making, and Extended Decision Making. When it comes to Western New England's market, the consumer is the student. In my opinion, they follow the Extended Decision Making. This decision is at the high end of the purchase involvement scale and requires the most extensive level of evaluation. After graduating high school, a student does a lot of research on different schools. There is an internal search for alternatives and a lot of external research including reading reviews of schools, seeking opinions from alumni or current students, going to college fairs, reading pamphlets, going on websites, etc. Deciding on a school ivolves a large amount of time evaluating all of the different schools a student is interested in. Even after he or she applies, there is still more evaluation and research to do. Even after you make the decision on what school you choose, there is always the post evaluation that occurs too. Was this school the right choice? Are you fitting in well? Does the school really offer what you are looking for?

In this decision making, marketers at the university need to make sure thier advertising is prevelant enough to make sure the school is even considered in the decision making process. It's also important that they provide information through countless other sources such as on websites, in mailings, through the mail, on campus visits, and through commercials. These will aid during the external research phase of the student. Finally, they need to follow up with the students after the "purchase" is made, or in this case once the student accepts his or her enrollment in the school. This is done well at Western New England University through the countless strategies and programs we give to students through countless resources like Residence Life, the First Year Office, Admissions, the individual colleges, the Alumni Office, the Career Center, and many many more. For example, in Residence  Life we present students with programs to involve them more and build a community. This strategy not only is a marketable strategy for retention and growth, but it helps us measure how involved students become. We also offer surveys to see how they are enjoying student life as well as what the University has to offer them. This follow up keeps them involved with the university and gives them a say, as well as ensures them that they made the best decision. These follow ups that each department offers reassures the students' decisions and helps retain themin staying for all four years of an education, and possible more depending if they choose graduate or doctoral studies as well.

What Does This Mean?

Understanding buyer behavior allows an organization to understand the decisions that its consumers make. Understanding their needs allows a marketer to direct its marketing and advertising to those areas. If an organization can understand the wants and needs of the consumer, they can better understand who will want the product or service and how they can go about reaching them and structuring their efforts into knowing what decisions the consmer will make. In doing so, an organization will find success in helping to make those consumer decisions easier for them, in a beneficial way to the organization. If an organization does well with this process, they will create loyal consumers who will purchase the product or service!

Friday, October 11, 2013

Competitors Beware!

My "Company"

This week's post is going to be talking about my "company" so to say. As you may already know, I work in the Office of Residence Life at Western New England University as a Residence Manager. Western New England University is a private educational institution that serves the likes of undergraduate, graduate, pharmacy, and law students. In this post, I'm going to be looking at Western New England's vision, its competition, and the served market definition. It's all about competitive analysis this week!


The purpose of a vision for a company is so that not only will it know who it is and what they stand for, but the consumers it is reaching out to know who the company is and what its goals are too! This will also allow you to see where you stand in the market.

So what is Western New England's vision? This is directly from Western New England's website. "Western New England University is a private, independent, coeducational institution founded in 1919. Located on an attractive 215-acre suburban campus in Springfield, Massachusetts, Western New England University serves 3,700 students, including 2,550 full-time undergraduate students. Undergraduate, graduate, and professional programs are offered through Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business, Engineering, and Pharmacy, and School of Law." (


Competition is pretty plain and simple; Who is it in your market that you are up against? Being in the educational institution "market" , Western New England competes to recruit and retain students who are willing and able to learn in a higher education institution. On a large scale, Western New England competes with all colleges across the nation, but in terms of direct competition, it is mainly the colleges and universities in the Western Mass/New England area that it competes with for students. This includes Springfield College and AIC which are just right down the street from campus, community colleges such as Holyoke Community College and STCC, and then theres other nearby institutions like Batpath College, Westfeld State, and the largest competitor, UMass Amherst. There are hundreds of others, and Western New England must ensure that it is creating itself with appropriate vision, goals, strategies, and marketing tools to draw in students from around the nation, and even the world (international students).


Served Market Definiton

Served market definition asks what you are as a company. What do you do? There are many different definitions among the many departments and colleges in the university, so there are variations of specificities when looking at more direct areas of the University, but I will give a general market definiton for Western New England University. All-in-all, Western New England Univesity is a private educational institution that serves to educate and develope a student both personally and academically in and outside of the classroom.



Competitive analysis is essential for a company looking to grow among its market. Yes, it is important for a company to know its customer and how to reach out to them, but it's just as important to know the other competitors in your market trying to do just the same thing. There's always the threat of new competition so a company has to be aware of its surroundings, its market, and its consumers at all times. If a company is efficent and successful at this, it will certainly find itself in a good position in its market.



Thursday, October 3, 2013

Environmental Factors and the Effect on Business

Environmental Factors

External factors are always making an impact on a company's performance. One would think that by looking within the company for answers it would be a simple enough solution to understand the what is causing the business impacts. However, this is not the case. Looking outside is good too. Environmental factors have just as much influence on a company's decisions. These include social, legal and political, economical, technological, and competitive factors.

Society can have a large impact on a company. The social aspects that a company should pay attention to are how society acts, what they value, what do they think about certain issues, what are their views on people, places, things, and issues? Society is essentially your market. Know them!

Like in any aspect of life, there are rules. Laws, regulations, standards, and those running things essentially set the stage for all businesses and their performance. Those who lead a group are faced with the decisions that make or break a business. Companies must ensure  they follow the rules when conducting business. If they don't, there will be negative consequences that can hurt the company.

The state of the economy will affect a business no matter what, whether negaitve or positive. The things within the economy a company must pay attention to are the income of those in its market, the ways in which the state of the economy can play into their consumers' decisions (bad economy = less buying, good economy = more buying), supply and demand ALWAYS show how much the consumer will be buying the product or service based on what the need of it is.

With the continuos development of technology, there are always new ways it can play in to a company's means of business. Technology has created a means of fast and easy communication; global at that. Storage of information is still in its imfancy, and yet it has become an enormous aspect of top companies worldwide. It can store all sorts of data; on customers, company records, files, plans, documents, and so on. It is up to the company to take advantage of this to make business processes more efficient and cost effective.

They say keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. This makes perfect sense in the world of business. Knowing who your competition is, what their products are, and how they can affect your product or service. Knowing how they do business (how they set prices, who they do business with, what they produce, the threat they cause) is essential. Not only does this include knowing current competition, but it also deals with knowing the threat of new competition that can come into the market as well. There's always opportunity for others to enter. It is the company's responsibility to keep themselves up to date and prepared.

Real World Analysis

These environmental factors can be used to look at any field of business. I would like to take my job as a Residence Manager for an example, Western New England University being the business up for analysis. As a private educational institution, the people we provide a service for are mainly students. Knowing who they are, what they value, and how they view the service we provide them is implicit. Knowing things about them also help us to differentiate from competition. Being able to provide for our students better will help to model our institution in a more appealing, more beneficial way.  In order to ensure we are providing them the service of an education to the fullest while abiding by the law, we follow educational guidelines and standards, laws that ensure all people are afforded the opportunity to gain an education, federal regulations in terms of financial aid to students, incident action plans and training, and several other aspects related to legal factors that keep the institution in -check. As times change, so does the knowledge an institution must give its students. Technology is an important factor in this. Everything from having computers and databases for students to learn and research from, having security components like ID scanning access and cameras to ensure safety, as well as a central student information server that gives officials access to the students' information. Finally, knowing the economic aspects help the institution to market to our students better because we can take a look inside to the factors that will help them see our product as beneficial. With the rising cost of a college education, we see it can be harder for a student to pay for an education. However, by understanding their difficulties and needs, we can look into what we will need ot do in order to grab their attention and convince them to essentially "buy" our service, or in these terms enroll in our University.

No matter what business one works for, these external factors are important to look at. A company can greatly benefit from understanding how each of these factors play into its daily decisions. Why not try it yourself?